Sunday, May 19, 2019

Alice in Wonderland Essay

You may have thought Alice in Wonderland was unsloped a childrens tale that everyone takes too seriously scarce there is more philosophy, metaphors, and spirituality in this revolutionary childrens news than you crapper fit into one teapot It seems everyone from my generation and up has comprehend the twaddle, read the book, or watched the movie at some point in their lives. Alice in Wonderland started as a book written in 1865 by Charles Lutwidge. It is to the highest degree a girl named Alice who sees a little unobjection subject rabbit in the woods and follows it down the rabbit hole. When Alice goes down the hole she finds herself in a head game innovation called Wonderland, which is populated by peculiar examplefaces. A few of these characters include the Queen of Hearts, the Mad Hatter, the caterpillar, peep Dee and Tweedle Dum and the Cheshire cat. Alice in Wonderland was a good story that caught the fear of both the young and the old but what most people did n ot know is that there is a bigger picture behind the story the bigger picture world the one that famous philosophers pointed out.The first idea or character from Alice in Wonderland that I indispensability to cover is the Cheshire cat. Cheshire Cat is depicted as an intelligent yet mischievous, villainous character that sometimes helps Alice and sometimes gets her into trouble, the cat is know for its dis fronting acts where is starts to fade leaving nothing but its smile. Plato argued that what is not in some experience in addition is, therefore he also believed that a non-being did exist. Plato believed that the inconsistency of Being and Non-Being was false. The only real antinomy is that of a single object of consciousness and all former(a) things from which it is distinguished. close to would argue that no cat could just disappear into thin air and leave behind its smile. wizard would ask, can a smile be on its own? Apparently it can.The Cheshire cats grin, too, is a non -material being which would be categorized as a grin, as just a Platonic Form a nonmaterial being which has real existence. Another aspect of Alice inWonderland that I want to cover is the food items that Alice eats. Her character in this story is almost entirely defined by what she eats. in one case Alice has fallen down the rabbit hole she is stuck behind a small door that she cannot fit into. This talking door tells her that there are snacks on the table that will help her fit thru the door so she looks on the table and magically there are food items and drinks with tags that say Drink me and Eat me that appear out of nowhere, so Alice eats one without questioning it. Food has a constant tendency to understand itself into situation, the French sociologist Roland Barthes said. For that quote Barthes was talking about foods in the aspect of having communion without bread or Christmas without turkey. We can also question what would Alice be without those treats? The food do its w ay into this certain situation.Alice never would have been able to go thru that small door had she not eaten that one treat that made her shrink. This specific food cream set the tone for the rest of the movie, it made the story able to move on and allowed Alice to officially assent Wonderland. Another part of Alice in Wonderland that made me think of Ronald Barthes was when, in his essay The Death of the Author he states it is wrangle which speaks, not the author to write is to reach that point where language alone acts, performs, and not oneself. Lewis Carroll does just this in Alice in Wonderland. He creates his story with his knowledge of language with the puns and riddles in this story. An example would be his trick of traditional songs, which create a double meaning. Carroll does not project one meaning, he hands his language to the reader and allows them to analyze the story however they would like. Barthes quote says basically that the author is not the one that is spea k to you but his language is. The language the author expends should speak to readers in the different ways that they hear it and Alice in Wonderland does just that, which is why there are so some different views and interpretations on it. In this book, Alices powers to reason are so distinct they seem unsuitable to a little girls character. According to Aristotles book Poetics, he insists that a character must be appropriate. For example, any give-and-take in a woman would be considered irrelevant.Though Aristotle does not cover a childs appropriate characteristic, we should assume that if intelligence in a female character is marked as inappropriate then it should be for a little girl as well. From this we argue that Alices fearless abstract thought through outthe movie is uncharacteristic of a child. However, when Alices reasoning is used to draw attention to her, Alices childish nature is skillfully put into words when Alice claims that she doesnt care which happens. This w ould restore her values as a character for Aristotle since he says, too brilliant a diction conceals character and thought. Alice in this book experiences a lot of things that the reader might think of as illusions or things that arent true or cannot happen.According to Nietzsche, the things in this book wangle perfect sense. Everyone is driven by a will to accuracy and knowledge on hand and a will to illusion and ignorance on the other hand. These components help make a worthy and happy existence for everyone. This book constantly makes the reader go back and forward between what is the truth and what isnt. This book is the perfect demonstration for Nietzsches theory of having a middle launch between the place for realism and for imagine in a well-ordered life. Alices willingness to accept the mien of the purity rabbit without question and follow it down the rabbit hole to continue her illusion fantasy is the perfect example of Nietzsches theory of the will of ignorance and the good use of illusions a person ask to balance their life.Opposed from Nietzsches theory about everything in Alice in Wonderland making sense, David Hume has another(prenominal) idea. Hume is another philosopher whose theories can be found within Alice in Wonderland. Hume brought forth the idea that until we know the necessary contact or cause of things, than all knowledge is uncertain. Everyone who reads or watches Alice in Wonderland is just as intrigued as she is on her new findings. This Wonderland is full of things that contradict our experience and expectations. While following Alices journey one does not know what follows next, as in our lives we usually do. We know that if you roll one formal and it hits another than that ball will roll too.Hume has a different idea. Hume would have thought, based on this theory, that Alice shows little evidence of being an expert on deductive logic. Alice would not have been able to make any reasonable decisions in Wonderland because she has never experienced anything like it before and therefore doesnt know the outcome of anything she might do. Alice does use great inductive reasoning skills though when she learns how to change her size by drinking the bottle andother foods. She uses this type of reasoning to make successful predictions. Her use of evidence about past events to predict and work the future course in Wonderland allows Humes theory to come alive within Alice and her choices.Time is also a big question in Alice in Wonderland and it shows up quite a bit. Though Plato may believe time to be just a mere illusion, Kant has his own point of view. Kant has three conclusions about time, one being that time is not something that exists by itself, time is actually a psychological sense by which the world is engaged in, and that time is prior to any particular engagement that one many have. Kant believes that time is an intuition of the mind and Alice would have needed that in order to have any type of adv enture. One of the main points that the reader comes across time in Alice in Wonderland is when the white rabbit was path to his hole reflexion Oh dear? Oh dear? I shall be too late.Every time the white rabbit is in a scene he seems to be in a rush and saying he is going to be late. According to Kant, the white rabbit is experiencing an expectation of a time to come and understands that the present is prior to the future event, which would explain why the rabbit was always anxious. Out of all of these philosophers I believe that Alice in Wonderland connects most with Nietzsche and Barth. Nietzsches theory of illusions and the will of ignorance. When personally watching Alice in Wonderland, the movie, and learned that people read the book, any one would be able to tell that it is all about illusions. I mean, at the beginning of the story she is talking to her teacher saying things like if I had my own world the books would be pictures, if I had a world of my own everything would b e nonsense, nothing would be what it is. Then a few minutes later Alice falls asleep and ends up in Wonderland.This shows that Wonderland is Alices illusion. Nietzsche shows that one ask a good balance between what is real and what is fake. Barth also gets most of Alice in Wonderlands theory because he explains that storys are not what the author says they are, they are what the reader sees them as and Alice in Wonderland has been construe in so many ways that Barthes theory is spot on. Everyone sees Alice in Wonderland differently because the author made it so it wasnt just one meaning. Nietzsche and Barthess theory is exactly what the whole story of Alice in Wonderland is about.

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