Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Reflection Paper 4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Reflection Paper 4 - Essay ExampleIn other words a face that livelinesss open, alive with a wide smile that says youre agreeable (Marshall &Jackson &Sue 2004). Smarter look can be achieved with a pair of glasses and concentrated, meditated look with counsel on some exact object. You could also read a book or newspaper (Sherrow 2001). To look liberal it is best to know how to listen to others and give them time to freely express their thoughts and from my side it would be fair to honor others point of view. That is liberal. Wealth can be achieved with accessories like watch, keister case, shiny lighter, cool look and busy face like youre waiting for some authorised meeting on the matter of serious business. All this details can be achiieved with such aspects of individual(prenominal) appearance as expression of the face, manner of talking, sitting, standing, walking etc. In other words anything serves the mapping and everything is important. Its all necessary to become a more c ompetent communicator because population like and smelling more open to talk to the successful, happy looking, spectacular or in general cool people (Rumsey & Harcourt 2005). But what is most important and its a simple truth is inner good because spot all the outer things can be managed with right skills, inner respectful condition can except be achieved with real values because after first appearance they will continue the work which was started by the simple good

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